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Nexus HQ down

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Nexus HQ down Empty Nexus HQ down

Post by ZapDragonMeteor Mon 04 Jul 2011, 12:24 am

Well i doubt its gone for good but has anyone else noticed how Nexus HQ has been down for just over one month? I have checked many times every day but its never up, are they adding new content or trashing it?
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Nexus HQ down Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Nexus HQ down Empty Re: Nexus HQ down

Post by Cabey9 Mon 04 Jul 2011, 7:33 am

Nexus HQ is down more time than it's up and running. I can never seem to get on that site.

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Nexus HQ down Empty Re: Nexus HQ down

Post by rioforce Mon 04 Jul 2011, 7:38 am

I checked it last week, and it was OK. IDK when it'll ever get out of Beta stage. It's down because they are uploading new minifig files onto the database. Why can't they update offline? You know, like update at midnight everyday when hardly anyone is on. Nexus HQ is awful. I blame it on the dev team, but some people blame it on the Maelstrom. Smile

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Nexus HQ down Empty Re: Nexus HQ down

Post by CapnSkye Mon 04 Jul 2011, 10:34 am

As of right now its down.

They are probably trying to get alot done on it right now.And maybe get it out of beta.

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Nexus HQ down Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Nexus HQ down Empty Re: Nexus HQ down

Post by rioforce Mon 04 Jul 2011, 6:26 pm

Maybe the devs have seen the Lunibook signature maker, so they are trying to stop that. Or they like the signatures. Or they are testing to see if Free-To-Play members get on Nexus HQ. OR they could be eating rice and pita bread talking about Angrybirds! Razz

EDIT On 9-6-11: Old Topic. Not Down For Good. Topic Locked!

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