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First look into Nexus Tower!

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty First look into Nexus Tower!

Post by Sim533 Wed 11 May 2011, 11:25 pm

Hello Minifigures,

You may call me Nexus Naomi. I am the Nexus Tower Artificial Intelligence created by Dr. Overbuild. My purpose is to serve as a guide to all Minifigures who have come to Nexus Tower.

Each of the Faction Headquarters is located inside Nexus Tower. There, you will be able to meet the Faction Leaders for the very first time. Duke Exeter, Hael Storm, Vanda Darkflame and Dr. Overbuild cannot wait to meet all of their loyal Faction members. Each has many Missions for you to complete, including some unique, top-secret Faction-only Missions for the most loyal members of the Nexus Force!

Nexus Tower is also a important destination for all of your shopping needs. More than a dozen new vendors are waiting to sell you exciting new gear and consumables! You will also find additional Faction vendors in the Tower – they sell the Rank 3 kits which were previously sold in Nimbus Station, but they will also have new items like Valiant Weapons! Valiant Weapons are the most powerful weapons created so far, but you’ll need both hands – and a lot of Tokens – to wield them! In addition, a completely new Vendor, Admiral Honor Accolade, is setting up his shop in the Sentinel area. He specializes in Mission and Achievement reward items that you have previously earned.

Are you concerned with where you will put all of these new items? I have just been authorized to disclose the new Vault system that is being finalized! Each Minifigure will be able to open a Vault account where you can safely store your extra items, and you will be able to pull them out whenever you wish. The Faction Leaders may also help you to construct a Property Safe, which will allow you to securely access your Vault from any of your claimed Properties.

The last piece of information which I have received clearance to disclose is that Dr. Overbuild has even more plans to expand Nexus Tower. Once the Tower is completed, you will be able to use it as a launching point to Nimbus Station, Crux Prime, Starbase 3001 and LEGO Club, but new destinations will be added soon!

As Adventurers and Explorers, you understand that the Universe is vast and there are always uncharted territories. Nexus Tower is being built to become the launching point for all future exploration and expansions. Be prepared for the adventure of your life.

Nexus Naomi

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Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty Re: First look into Nexus Tower!

Post by Hunthe Thu 12 May 2011, 12:26 am

Look, a minifigure series 2 pop star! AND BOB! I have to say this sounds great.
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty Re: First look into Nexus Tower!

Post by PAH Thu 12 May 2011, 5:41 am

Hunthe wrote:Look, a minifigure series 2 pop star! AND BOB! I have to say this sounds great.
Cool! But there IS an odd one out. Peppermint Lane is behind Bob!
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty Re: First look into Nexus Tower!

Post by Cabey9 Thu 12 May 2011, 7:06 am

I saw this at yesterday. I thought the pop star was a little akward, too. They should have revealed more pictures, though! I wasn't to impressed about that.

The valiant weapons are just for looks. The weapons all have a 3/4/4 smash combo, the same as Spiked Hammer and Fantstic Pilum. That was disappointing for me.

I really want the tower to come out though after I saw those pics. Just those 3 got me excited! Very Happy

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First look into Nexus Tower!  Empty Re: First look into Nexus Tower!

Post by BandBmx Thu 12 May 2011, 11:39 am

Yes this looks fantastic and the upgeade to the weapons Cabey is the Doublehanded and faster attack.

Venture Explorer
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