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Lego Video Games

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Lego Video Games Empty Lego Video Games

Post by le717 Thu 17 Mar 2011, 6:09 pm

Does anyone like/have the Lego games made by TT Games? I own LIJ2 for my PC and LIJ1 for my Wii, but I have owned many other ones too. I have had LSWII for DS, (but it was only for a couple of days), LSW The Complete Saga (Also for DS), LIJ1 (again for DS) and I still own Lego Batman for my DS. I have played LSWIII Demo on a PS3 and Xbox 360 and I think that it is cool. Two stories lines at once, + better graphics = cool. Very Happy But I do not think I will be getting it. It is too expenive for me right now, plus I have other things to do that play computer games. But I still like playing LIJ2 for PC. I think that that game is a good game (the best Lego/TTGames game that I have played), even though it was criticized for the new world hubs.

Smile le717 Smile
Forum Mythran
Forum Mythran

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Lego Video Games Empty Re: Lego Video Games

Post by blacksun9 Thu 17 Mar 2011, 6:42 pm

cool i used to have lswI and II i have lijI on wii thats it i dont realy like lego video games that much
Venture Scout
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Lego Video Games Empty Re: Lego Video Games

Post by Zothen Thu 17 Mar 2011, 7:22 pm

I have most LEGO video games such as LSTCS, LIJ2, HP1-4.
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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