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Ideas for the universe

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Ideas for the universe Empty Ideas for the universe

Post by Nenen Fri 03 Feb 2012, 12:57 pm

Here are some ideas for Lego Universe to come back

Make a points system, what i mean is that you could buy cards that would give you an amount of points for example 500 points and you could use it to gain coins, faction tokens, 25% increase in exp for a day,25% increase in health,defense,imagination for a day, etc
many MMORPG games have this, example monkey quest,star trek online, etc

Make a Membership trial (any amount of days) because sometimes if you had something and do not have it you will want it more. encouraging you to buy it Smile

maybe a membership loyalty program so if you have membership for an allotted period of time you get prizes of some sort.

Make a invite a friend program where if you invite someone you get coins,points,etc
and a invite them to buy membership as well.

cheapen the prices a bit, it might get more buyers making a profit.

that's all for now

What do you think?
i will post the link as soon as i get approved
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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

Post by Chewen Fri 03 Feb 2012, 3:34 pm

Sentinel Knight
Sentinel Knight

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Ideas for the universe Empty The Link

Post by Nenen Sun 05 Feb 2012, 5:08 pm

Assembly Graduate
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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

Post by Chewen Tue 07 Feb 2012, 2:25 pm

ok i replied Very Happy
Sentinel Knight
Sentinel Knight

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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

Post by rioforce Wed 08 Feb 2012, 10:47 am

Good ideas, but unfortunately, LEGO Universe is not coming back. Sad

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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

Post by Nenen Wed 08 Feb 2012, 11:46 am

But maybe it will..
i prayed and i am sure in one way or another it will come back!
Assembly Graduate
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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

Post by Chewen Wed 08 Feb 2012, 3:06 pm

you should also be able to change skin color! Very Happy
Sentinel Knight
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Ideas for the universe Empty Re: Ideas for the universe

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