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First Lego Universe Clan

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty First Lego Universe Clan

Post by BandBmx Fri 18 Mar 2011, 3:22 pm

Hey guys, my friend ManOfSteele and I thought of this idea to make a clan! What we do is Hang out, Help People, Win competitions, get top 10 in survival and other mini-games, and have fun! If you are interested go to: (MOD EDIT: link removed)
Any questions post here! Also the ManOfSteele's propertys all have one word that you need to get into the main base at avant grove.

Venture Explorer
Venture Explorer

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by FD_agentminky Fri 18 Mar 2011, 4:43 pm

Hi BandBMX!

Unfortunately, I've had to remove the link you posted. We don't currently allow links to personal sites to be posted outside of signatures, so please try and confine the links you post to there in future.

Thanks! Smile
Retired Staff
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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by maestro35 Fri 18 Mar 2011, 5:04 pm

FD_agentminky wrote:Hi BandBMX!

Unfortunately, I've had to remove the link you posted. We don't currently allow links to personal sites to be posted outside of signatures, so please try and confine the links you post to there in future.

Thanks! Smile

You too!? The rules say that only links with inappropriate content will be removed...
Sentinel Graduate
Sentinel Graduate

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by FD_agentminky Fri 18 Mar 2011, 5:11 pm

The rules say that "Links do NOT belong in posts, unless they are dealing with the topic of your discussion". This means, in effect, links can't be added to posts unless chosen to add to an existing discussion in some way.
Retired Staff
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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by maestro35 Fri 18 Mar 2011, 5:26 pm

FD_agentminky wrote:The rules say that "Links do NOT belong in posts, unless they are dealing with the topic of your discussion". This means, in effect, links can't be added to posts unless chosen to add to an existing discussion in some way.

Don't mean to argue, but wasn't that link all about the topic?
Sentinel Graduate
Sentinel Graduate

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Fri 18 Mar 2011, 6:50 pm

Hard to say.

I was actually thinking about this before he posted it. Not really sure what to say in this case...

I need to work on getting an Ad section set up. Smile
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by BandBmx Fri 18 Mar 2011, 10:01 pm

Hey, if its against the rules im cool with it but Im just a bit confused because I sent you a pm on LegoUni and you said it was cool.....anyways the link to the site is now under my signature!!! if you are interested just go there!

Thanks, BandBmx

P.S. Im not trying to argue but can someone explain the extent of this rule: 3. Please do not post inappropriate pictures, videos, links, or other media!
Links and other media will be removed if deemed inappropriate (material must NOT break our rules or it WILL be removed), and you could banned depending on the offence.

Venture Explorer
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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Sat 19 Mar 2011, 9:27 am

BandBmx wrote:Hey, if its against the rules im cool with it but Im just a bit confused because I sent you a pm on LegoUni and you said it was cool.....anyways the link to the site is now under my signature!!! if you are interested just go there!

Thanks, BandBmx

P.S. Im not trying to argue but can someone explain the extent of this rule: 3. Please do not post inappropriate pictures, videos, links, or other media!
Links and other media will be removed if deemed inappropriate (material must NOT break our rules or it WILL be removed), and you could banned depending on the offence.

Inappropriate=anything you don't want a kid to see. (PG-13+ rated is probably inappropriate.)

And actually, I asked you for the link so I could look at it, I didn't necessarily say yes at the time. No problem though, me and the other staff will discuss this. Wink
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by PAH Sat 19 Mar 2011, 7:17 pm

FD_LegoFan101 wrote:
BandBmx wrote:Hey, if its against the rules im cool with it but Im just a bit confused because I sent you a pm on LegoUni and you said it was cool.....anyways the link to the site is now under my signature!!! if you are interested just go there!

Thanks, BandBmx

P.S. Im not trying to argue but can someone explain the extent of this rule: 3. Please do not post inappropriate pictures, videos, links, or other media!
Links and other media will be removed if deemed inappropriate (material must NOT break our rules or it WILL be removed), and you could banned depending on the offence.

Inappropriate=anything you don't want a kid to see. (PG-13+ rated is probably inappropriate.)

And actually, I asked you for the link so I could look at it, I didn't necessarily say yes at the time. No problem though, me and the other staff will discuss this. Wink
A mod getting off-topic. Now I've seen everything!
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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First Lego Universe Clan Empty Re: First Lego Universe Clan

Post by BandBmx Fri 01 Apr 2011, 11:03 pm

Hey guys, the BandOfSteele is now having a get together tommorow afternoon pretty much all afternoon no specified time, so if you get on just shoot me a friend request and ill get you to where we are at, most likely a prop, or BoNS
Venture Explorer
Venture Explorer

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