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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

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Who has smashed Butterscorch solo?

[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Vote_lcap80%[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Vote_rcap 80% 
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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Vote_lcap20%[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Vote_rcap 20% 
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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty [POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

Post by legowiz102 Thu 03 Mar 2011, 12:36 am

Who here has sucessfully smashed Butterscorch solo?

[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Bbp
Image courtesy of LEGO Universe Wiki.

I've done it once, on my Rank 3 Engineer minifigure, Legowiz. I deployed turrets between attacks, somtimes repairing armor also. I also used some of Sensei Wu's imagination tea to get some extra life points and used faction consumables whenever I needed more power-ups.
Venture Explorer
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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty

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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty Re: [POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

Post by Cabey9 Thu 03 Mar 2011, 7:26 am

The best I did was with only 3 other people, and I never even smashed. I had to keep recharging myself with armor brushes, even though I had 23 armor. I had fun though.

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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty Re: [POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 03 Mar 2011, 7:50 am

Of all the things I've even learned to get used to in Crux Prime... Butterscorch isn't one of them. Razz

The trio I formed the other day just barely got away with smashing her. I can't imagine how frustrating it'd be to go solo...
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty Re: [POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

Post by Hobino Thu 03 Mar 2011, 9:54 am

I didn't even try yet to fight a dragon solo on Forbidden Valley. I tried passing in back of Butterscorch, but she smashed me! So, I probably wouldn't be able. I prefer Grabbles! Razz

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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty Re: [POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?

Post by BandBmx Thu 03 Mar 2011, 3:22 pm

I have smashed Butter scorch once and only once because I lost over 50,000 coins trying but I got a couple rares from smashing Butter and Hobino you cant really pass behind her unless you have a quick sickle or something of its nature.

Venture Explorer
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[POLL]Butterscorch - Who has smashed her solo?  Empty

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