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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Kodi The Valiant!
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap25%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 25% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap13%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 13% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap13%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 13% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap19%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 19% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap13%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 13% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap6%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 6% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap13%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 13% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap0%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 0% 
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_lcap0%What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 16

What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Cabey9 Wed 24 Nov 2010, 1:58 pm

What is your favorite world? Vote on it then chat about it at "What's Your Favorite LU World?".

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Wed 24 Nov 2010, 2:07 pm

Added the WBL worlds. Wink

My favorite is Gnarled Forest. Smile
The Rhythmatist
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by CapnSkye Wed 24 Nov 2010, 2:25 pm

Never Heard of some of those.... My fav is Forbidden Valley.

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Cabey9 Thu 25 Nov 2010, 10:03 am

Thanks LegoFan!

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Kodi The Valiant! Sat 27 Nov 2010, 11:53 am

My Favorite is Gnarled Forest BY FAR! It's awesome! Spend most of my time there! Very Happy
Kodi The Valiant!
Kodi The Valiant!
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Sim533 Wed 01 Dec 2010, 8:12 am

My vote is for the awesome Moonbase!
Sentinel Squire
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by reptilianman Wed 08 Dec 2010, 8:51 pm

My favorite world is either Gnarled Forest or Nimbus Station.
I like gnarled forest because you can get super rare items dropped from pirate admirals and many other monsters and it has i would say the widest varieties of monsters to fight. Yet Nimbus Station is where you can find lots of players (in the middle),trade and have a good time with other players. Also nimbus station is where i have saw the most mythrans. Thats my opinion.
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by CapnSkye Thu 09 Dec 2010, 8:37 am

What are portabello etc. I think I've seen them but can you play in them yet?

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by reptilianman Thu 09 Dec 2010, 4:46 pm

Those worlds were released about a month ago now along with starbase 3001. You can access these worlds from a launch pad in starbase. To access starbase, you must go through the portal that is located between brick annex(the assembly part of nimbus station) and the pet cove launch pad. I hope this helps Wink
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by CapnSkye Thu 09 Dec 2010, 5:10 pm

Oh ok, Yah I dont have LU membership so I hadnt heard anything about them. Thanks

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Hobino Fri 10 Dec 2010, 4:43 pm

The new worlds look great, so it is hard to decide. In Beta, it was maybe Avant Gardens, well all of them!

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Cabey9 Sat 11 Dec 2010, 11:27 am

I love all the worlds too. I'm excited about Nexus Tower 3 coming out. It's going to be really cool. I feel bad you won't be able to see it. Sad

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Where Are the GLitch Worlds?

Post by iJazzermb Fri 04 Feb 2011, 12:35 pm

Razz. Add Under LEGO Club (Active) NS Infinity Plains(Active) AG Infinity Plains(Active)GF Infinity Plains* Add them ok!

*Gnarled Forest Infinity Plain Thankfully not Active, That world killed!
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Cabey9 Sat 05 Feb 2011, 9:41 pm

GF had an Infinite Plains!?!?

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Zothen Tue 08 Feb 2011, 7:11 am

My favorite is crux prime by far.
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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

Post by Cabey9 Tue 08 Feb 2011, 8:59 pm

Crux Prime is awesome. It's challenging, too. I really like it!

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What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll) Empty Re: What's Your Favorite LU World? (Poll)

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