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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

Post by shafirsabbag Wed 24 Apr 2013, 12:53 pm

For those people who like Ratchet and Clank and other playstation heroes will be happy with the announcement that it will be a feature film of Ratchet & Clank. It will include our main character such as Ratchet, Clank and last but not least Qwuark. It will be released in US in 2015. We can espect to see out old friends from the games coming back in live 3D Movie action, such as Talwyn and Dr.Nefarious.

I am honestly very excited of the announcement of the Movie, since there are not many games series that has there own Movie. I know that Hugo, Sonic and Zelda had there animated series, but not a full official Movie. As we can expect will the Movie probably be released on DVD and Blu-ray in 2016 or less. The only thing we needs now is a Sly Cooper animated serie. Come on Sanzaru, is it to much wanting a full animated serie like Avatar: Legend of Aang?

For those people who do not Think i am serious about the Ratchet & Clank Movie should take a look at this, and it is released by SONY themselves.

Last edited by rioforce on Thu 25 Apr 2013, 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ADMIN EDIT: Embedded video for safety of users.)
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Re: Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 25 Apr 2013, 8:07 am


I can't wait!
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Re: Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

Post by rioforce Thu 25 Apr 2013, 1:52 pm

I don't even know what this is. But I'm glad LegoFan101 is excited. Razz

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Re: Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

Post by Cabey9 Tue 30 Apr 2013, 6:03 pm

rioforce wrote:I don't even know what this is. But I'm glad LegoFan101 is excited. Razz

I agree with Rio on this one. I just have a Wii, which I never use. Razz

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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Re: Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

Post by Hunthe Sun 05 May 2013, 11:17 pm

Mmm... Never really been a fan of Sony... HOWEVER, I do like this series more than others... I'll probably go see it when it comes out.
Sentinel Squire
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Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015 Empty Re: Ratchet & Clank movie announced 2015

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