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Good movie maker?

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Good movie maker? Empty Good movie maker?

Post by Hunthe Fri 29 Jul 2011, 10:03 am

Ok, my Windows movie maker really isn't working well for me. Does anyone know a free (or cheap) Movie making studio? One that works fr Windows 7 and works well?
Sentinel Squire
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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by TheJester Fri 29 Jul 2011, 10:08 am

I use Windows Move Maker (Live if it's on windows 7) but I used Wax 2.0 but couldn't get it to make an .AVI file
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Good movie maker? Empty

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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by rioforce Fri 29 Jul 2011, 10:20 am

I use a webcam to make movies. I hate Movie Maker because the slow loading. Live Movie maker is not good. It is bad for Stop-Motion. I use MonkeyJam with my webcam then import the AVI file into Sony Vegas.

Wait. Are you talking about a Stop-Motion maker? If not, use Video Pad. I think Jamesster used it once. It is free, but has some limitations.

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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by Hunthe Fri 29 Jul 2011, 1:48 pm

I'm looking for a program that can edit videos, audio, and things like that. Stopmotion would be nice though...
Sentinel Squire
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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by rioforce Fri 29 Jul 2011, 2:01 pm

Video: Sony Vegas or VideoPad.

Audio: Audacity Beta

Stop-Motion: IDK (If you have a webcam, use MonkeyJam)

OS: Well, if you have a Mac, you cannot use VideoPad (I think). Do you have a Mac?

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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by Hunthe Fri 29 Jul 2011, 4:04 pm

Ok, Ive had Audacity. I diot have a mac. Thank rioforce!
Sentinel Squire
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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by dokrider Sat 30 Jul 2011, 11:04 pm

Monkey Jam is what a lot of people use and it's free.

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Good movie maker? Empty

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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by rioforce Sun 31 Jul 2011, 8:03 pm

dokrider wrote:Monkey Jam is what a lot of people use and it's free.

Yup! It's a VERY good program!

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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

Post by ZapDragonMeteor Sun 31 Jul 2011, 8:49 pm

never used that before. i tent to stick with windows movie player, very good for stop motion, well it is for me!
Sentinel Squire
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Good movie maker? Empty Re: Good movie maker?

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