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Behavior Help

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Behavior Help Empty Behavior Help

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 8:18 am

Okay, so I recently conquered all properties. YAY.

I've got the behaviors. YAY.

Sadly, they don't have tooltips on the Mac version (though my port did) so I have no idea what some of them do.

Can someone help me out...?
I know the basic ones, I'm talking about the newer ones. Wink
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Behavior Help Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Behavior Help Empty Re: Behavior Help

Post by Hobino Thu 19 Aug 2010, 10:41 am

Well, I have LU on a PC and there is no tooltips either. I need to try them all, and see what they do.

But, you can pick the already-make behiavors, put them on a model and see what they do.
It can help to learn how to combine them.

Finaly, I need help too! If someone have a lot of experience with behiavors, it yould be great to have some tips!

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Behavior Help Empty Re: Behavior Help

Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 11:31 am

Ok, the most confusing part for me was the last category of "end behaviors". The ones that you cannot put ANY more behaviors after. Those ones let you make "extensions" of the behavior chain. If you look on the right side of the behavior window, you will see different shapes show up when you use one of these "end blocks". Click on it to add a section of "code" to the behavior. Using this, you can have multiple starting blocks in the same behavior string. This also comes in handy if you need the EXACT same line of code on multipe code strings in the same behavior. Make sense?
Oh, and if you go to the beta center there is a tutorial on behaviors. You probably wont get much out of it, but its worth a try!

Last edited by FD_Grizzly10513 on Fri 20 Aug 2010, 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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Behavior Help Empty Re: Behavior Help

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 12:59 pm

I'm still confused...
And does the "odometer" one speed up your model?
I hope so, I could use that...
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Behavior Help Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Behavior Help Empty Re: Behavior Help

Post by Hobino Thu 19 Aug 2010, 10:53 pm

Thank Griz! I'm getting to understand those "extension" behiavors.
But, I still have a lot to try and a lot of combination I can do with all those behiavors!

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Behavior Help Empty Re: Behavior Help

Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 10:53 pm

Sorry, I tend to get "the tech-talk bug" sometimes! Razz Anyways, that "odometer" behavior, I have no clue on what it does. I haven't tried it, yet.

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