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Which were the best classic LEGO game?

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Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty Which were the best classic LEGO game?

Post by shafirsabbag Sat 02 Mar 2013, 11:05 am

As you all know do TT games stand for most of the current LEGO games, but it were not always so, in 1998-2002 did games like LEGO Racers distrubited by Dice Multimedia which on all the old LEGO games. Most of the games were either strategy or playtform game, but not in a brutal way. What do you guys think? Is TT games better than the old LEGO games? LEGO Island 2 vs LEGO Indiana Jones.
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty

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Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty Re: Which were the best classic LEGO game?

Post by rioforce Sat 02 Mar 2013, 11:09 am

I think the classic games are best. Such as LEGO Racers and LEGO Island (not LI2). Razz TT Games are good, but not the best. They get redundant.

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Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty Re: Which were the best classic LEGO game?

Post by Nenen Sat 02 Mar 2013, 12:04 pm

Yes they do get redundant. it is like they are all the same :/
I am not a big fan of VS topics...... but maybe the best out of the Classic games are LEGO racers and the Island chronicles. Razz i play LEGO Island 2 a lot when its on the Computer. in my mind it is similar to an MMO, except without all the players Razz

I also have some Bionicle games. and if memory serves right i think maybe One of them was made with TT games..... but was a whole lot different if it was made by them. not sure if it was or not. i will check later.
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Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty Re: Which were the best classic LEGO game?

Post by shafirsabbag Sat 02 Mar 2013, 12:22 pm

Nenen wrote:Yes they do get redundant. it is like they are all the same :/
I am not a big fan of VS topics...... but maybe the best out of the Classic games are LEGO racers and the Island chronicles. Razz i play LEGO Island 2 a lot when its on the Computer. in my mind it is similar to an MMO, except without all the players Razz

I also have some Bionicle games. and if memory serves right i think maybe One of them was made with TT games..... but was a whole lot different if it was made by them. not sure if it was or not. i will check later.
You are talknig about "Bionicle Heroes" that game were nicely done by the TT games to be honest, might even little better than the old one (Bionicle mask of light). Nowadays are nearly every game TT is making repeating it is the same over and over again. Collect studs, to buy red bricks to get all the bonuses. I hope TT will make the LEGO games being more differnt from each other in the future.
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members Which were the best classic LEGO game? Empty

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