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Stay Safe!

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Post by FD_LegoFan101 Mon 05 Jul 2010, 12:48 am

Hey there, everyone!

Well, I have been patrolling around cyberspace, seeing how much damage has been done against the LEGO Universe NDA.

Surprisingly, since the past few updates, not much has leaked out. This is very good news, and I hope it stays that way.

However, one thing that I did see was a  video advertising a LEGO Universe "free download".

Although I think it'd be a bad idea to give you the link, you may be wondering what's so dangerous with this one little video.

In the video, you see, a program is advertised that - supposedly - generates a working, random code to unlock and download LU on a PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. There are a few things wrong with what is shown in the vid, however -

• The PS3 and Xbox versions haven't been confirmed by any means - what makes you think that a keygen would get you something that doesn't currently exist?
• The video stops short before the LU "download" completes. Why is it that the user doesn't show the complete, successful download?
• Yes, the description says the program was tested - how, exactly? Viruses can be tested too, you know.

And that's just my point - I'm almost positive the program is a virus or other type of hacking tool. Why?

I commented twice stating that as a possibility. Instead of even trying to defend the program, the user deleted the video and comments - TWICE.

And now, it appears as though he/she "wised up" - the comments aren't getting through.

I'm sincerely hoping you all read this before jumping head first into a scam. The beta is AWESOME, but it is NOT worth getting hacked whilst trying to play early.

Please remember to stay safe, and NEVER download from sites external to LEGO's own site! Be patient - if you signed up, it's likely you'll be chosen to test before the beta is over anyway. Smile

All for now...

The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Stay Safe! Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Post by FD_agentminky Mon 05 Jul 2010, 3:14 am

Thanks for the alert, Legofan!

I'd like to add that, before you purchase, pre-order or get a beta key to the game, make sure it is official. If its not, you are not only downloading illegally, but it is also likely to harm your computer. Just remember, be on your guard. As Legofan says, if you've signed up to beta, then you'll probably (eventually Wink ) get selected for beta, and even if you don't, the official release is not all that far away. Very Happy.

Last edited by FM_agentminky on Mon 05 Jul 2010, 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected a few typos)
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Stay Safe! Empty Re: Stay Safe!

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Mon 05 Jul 2010, 7:45 am

Good advice. Smile

UPDATE: The vid has been pulled for the third time. Maybe my comment DID get through?
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Fri 13 Aug 2010, 10:53 am

Ohhh. Fishy. That person appears to have been doing some crooked business, or just trying to get a bunch of "free" publicity!

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Stay Safe! Empty Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Yuatato Sat 28 Aug 2010, 3:36 am

Yeah, I understand this..

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