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Share Your Best LU Memories

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Post by Cabey9 Mon 02 Jan 2012, 9:43 am

It's down to the final month. Though we'll never play it again maybe, we will still always remember it. Share your best moments and memories of this great game.

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Share Your Best LU Memories Empty Re: Share Your Best LU Memories

Post by PAH Fri 06 Jan 2012, 8:01 pm

I remember when I came aboard the VE the instant F2P started... I was the only one there... I was the first F2P. I'll always remember that...
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Post by Hunthe Wed 11 Jan 2012, 6:35 pm

First day of BETA wave 1.
I was shaking with excitement, and the moment I saw bob, I thought it was EPIC.

Oh, hello there Jay.
Sentinel Squire
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Post by Nenen Wed 18 Jan 2012, 11:11 am

I was so excited when i saw i was accepted for beta (and when i found out there was a beta)
i was so happy it was almost like PURE JOY i will always remember that
Assembly Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Post by Buggot Mon 30 Jan 2012, 7:18 am

Ah... Beta Accepted!!! LEGO Universe emailed me, and it Waz epic! even though we had bluescreens and chrashes once,twice,thrice, we thought it was amazing...
Venture Explorer
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Post by Chewen Tue 31 Jan 2012, 12:39 am

being accepted for beta and launch of free-to-play
Sentinel Knight
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Post by Nenen Tue 31 Jan 2012, 9:40 am

I remember looking and getting Beta test time (but my internet at that time could not run lu becouse it was too slow) and i was sooo excited i was always looking at the lego universe news and making creations

i remember when they announced that they where making Lego Universe, and when they announced the beta test, Great times i was happy.

I have a life but almost all of my friends are on the internet only.

i will remember you Lego universe but i always thought that you would be there when i was old enough to have children of my own. and they where to play it...


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Post by Cabey9 Tue 15 May 2012, 7:35 am

Back in the Beta days, the properties were WEIRD. You would land on a very large property world. On either side of you were houses, one yellow, one red. Outside both of them a minifigure was running in a circle. At the other end of the property was a raised rectangle for you to build. I built a door and some siding on it, and a pathway to it. My first building experience in the game that was weird, but fun, and one I will never forget.

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Post by Chewen Mon 21 May 2012, 9:46 pm

my best LU memories were when i first tried.. i remember how i waited (for years in fact!).
i remember when i got accepted to beta. i was so exited i felt like i would explode! but i never got to actually play in beta Sad, then i remember seeing that there was Free 2 Play, then i remember playing LU for the very first time... and then when i saw that they were closing LU i thought i was in a nightmare! but then found out it was real life.....
on closing day i played till' midnight, then they closed it Very Sad........

Sentinel Knight
Sentinel Knight

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