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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win!

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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_lcap0%Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_rcap 0% 
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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_lcap33%Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_rcap 33% 
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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_lcap67%Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_rcap 67% 
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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_lcap0%Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 3
Poll closed

Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Empty Make a Maelstrom Monster and win!

Post by Nealybealy Wed 07 Sep 2011, 3:48 pm

Want to win a Nexus Force Rocket? Or maybe some custom Youreeka-Style Buildings? Well then listen to this!

I am holding a contest on this forum because I am in need of some good Maelstrom Monsters for my custom world [See here] and I would like YOU to help! Now here are the rules:
The Maelstrom Enemy can be built however you like, as long as it is in LDD.
Take a photo of it and PM me with the photo and the LDD File.
Please keep it to the theme, which is an ancient war-torn land, with futuristic robots and technology.
Only original work! If you copy someone else's creation, you will be disqualified!
Make sure you give me the LDD file, or else I cannot use it!
And you may enter as many times as you like! Now, here are the prizes:

1st Place:
1 Nexus Force Rocket In-game Model Code [PMed to you!]
1 Custom Youreeka Building [Your choice of Red, Blue, or Yellow!]
10,000 Coins
2nd Place:
1 Custom Youreeka Building [Whatever 1st place doesn't pick]
10,000 Coins
3rd Place:
1 Custom Youreeka Building [Whatever 1st and 2nd place don't pick]
5,000 Coins

And the deadline is October 1st! So get working! Very Happy
Forum Mythran
Forum Mythran

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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Empty Re: Make a Maelstrom Monster and win!

Post by Cabey9 Wed 07 Sep 2011, 10:13 pm

I'll try to get my entry ready! Sounds like a cool contest.

Hey, the deadline's is my.... Razz

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Make a Maelstrom Monster and win! Empty Re: Make a Maelstrom Monster and win!

Post by Nealybealy Thu 08 Sep 2011, 6:57 am

Lol Cabey9, and I got the rocket and realized I should give it away. So poof! This contest was made. Razz
Forum Mythran
Forum Mythran

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