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Nimbus Station out of bounds

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Nimbus Station out of bounds Empty Nimbus Station out of bounds

Post by maxy7884 Wed 24 Aug 2011, 11:48 pm

This probably isn't the usual nimbus out of bounds you have seen before, this is under nimbus station and please don't tell or show anyone but your very very best friends. the person who showed me not to tell/show ANYONE except your best friend but i am being sneaky... SSSHHH.

ok first step: go to the Starbase 3001 gate at nimbus station.

second step: jump around the trees to the left of it until you get behind it.

third step: on the ground, at the base of the hill/mountain there will be a small hole. go up to the gate and put your back facing to it. you will see the left that i am talking about of the hole. go to hole and get into left of it.

fourth step: move around alot (don't jump, that just jumps you out and is pointless and might get you farther away from getting into hole but i am not sure)

fifth step: keep doing it until you finally start glitching out with your camera a bit.

sixth step: keep moving until your camera stops glitching out.

You should now be in what kind of seems like a small small canyon. this under the nimbus station seems to be "glitch city". as i walked around, a piano randomly appeared. i exited the canyon and found another nearby. there a spider (the one you summon with sorcerer valiant) and bone daddy appeared RIGHT infront of me several times. some times it was mech. (one you summon with marauder valiant) one time i went into a small alcove in the wall and then when i turned a spider and bone daddy appeared. yelling AMBUSH i summoned mech and used sorcerer shoulderpad shockwave and ran through the spider. yes, this did happen. it would be great if someone could go down there and pretty much video tape about 10 minutes down there. just walk around and explore. PAY ATTENTION! DON'T WALK TOO FAR OR YOU GET SMASHED! Idk if this only applies walking into what seems the endless plains or if it also applies walking along the walls. i was just told this by the person who showed me this. HAVE FUN!
Sentinel Graduate
Sentinel Graduate

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Nimbus Station out of bounds Empty

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Nimbus Station out of bounds Empty Re: Nimbus Station out of bounds

Post by Sim533 Thu 25 Aug 2011, 3:26 am

Why do you post it? Now Mythrans would find it!
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Nimbus Station out of bounds Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Nimbus Station out of bounds Empty Re: Nimbus Station out of bounds

Post by Nealybealy Thu 25 Aug 2011, 4:58 pm

Once OoB, run to the edge of the world. Jump off the edge, and land on invisible ground. Once on the ground, run back so it shows you are on the map (click M and look where you are). Pick a building (Faction Building, Assembly Area building, Raceplace Building, etc) and go to its spot on the map. Log out and then log in, and you'll appear on top of it! This also works with AG OoB, you can get on top of the monument Bob minifig, and others.
Forum Mythran
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