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Help With LEGO Stop Animation

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Help With LEGO Stop Animation Empty Help With LEGO Stop Animation

Post by Cabey9 Wed 11 May 2011, 9:44 pm

I have been working on an interesting stop animation film over the last few days. My brother got the "Captain's Cabin" Pirates of the Caribbean set and I live the 'figs. The video is called "The Adventures of Captain Jack". The smoothness isn't the best (it's my first try!), but the storyline and basic pictures are pretty good.

What I need help with: I took all the pictures on my iPod. How or what do I use to make it into a movie? Is there a free app that does this, or even a program on the Mac?

Please help!


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Help With LEGO Stop Animation Empty Re: Help With LEGO Stop Animation

Post by CapnSkye Wed 11 May 2011, 10:30 pm

I know some Macs come with a program called Garage Band. My friend uses that. It comes with sound effects and music too.

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Help With LEGO Stop Animation Empty Re: Help With LEGO Stop Animation

Post by Cabey9 Wed 11 May 2011, 10:36 pm

FM_CapnSkye wrote:I know some Macs come with a program called Garage Band. My friend uses that. It comes with sound effects and music too.

Awesome! My Mac (actually my dad's) has Garage Band! Thanks! I'll be sure to try it out as soon as I can. Smile

Can't wait for you to see the video! It's pretty good (except for smoothness).

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Help With LEGO Stop Animation Empty Re: Help With LEGO Stop Animation

Post by Hunthe Wed 11 May 2011, 10:43 pm

I don't know if this works(Don't own a Mac) , but try using iStopmotion -Might not be free- or iMovie(iMovie is unlikely to work)
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Help With LEGO Stop Animation Empty Re: Help With LEGO Stop Animation

Post by Cabey9 Thu 12 May 2011, 7:08 am

Hunthe wrote:I don't know if this works(Don't own a Mac) , but try using iStopmotion -Might not be free- or iMovie(iMovie is unlikely to work)

Ok! I'll try both ideas tonight. I might post the movie out here in a few days, so be prepared!

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