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Too many members and not many posts?

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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Too many members and not many posts?

Post by le717 Tue 26 Apr 2011, 5:52 pm

Ok. I know that more people are joining these forums all the time, but I am not so sure about the current number. The log says that there are 120 users signed up for these forums, but, if there were 120 users, this forum would be jammed packed full of topics and posts. But it is not. The most users that have been at one time is 12. And we have 120 users. I am not able to count how many people are active on here, but is is probably less than 25. I think that the current users number needs to be trimmed. I have seen a post by LegoFan101 that if you do not post much, your account may be deleted. I think that rule needs to be put into action. Especially now, since many people see LUN (and hence, LUNF), and that LU is becoming popular.
Forum Mythran
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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by Cabey9 Tue 26 Apr 2011, 6:02 pm

I agree. There's not many active users now. Something should be done about this. I don't think they should be deleted - they might come back.

Last edited by Cabey9 on Tue 26 Apr 2011, 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by CapnSkye Tue 26 Apr 2011, 9:09 pm

I disagree. I know alot of members are not active, but I think it is un-fair to delete their account. Also, If there is like 20 members who are active, would you rather join a forum that has 20 members or 120 members? I think for people who are looking to join, it makes the forums appear larger.

Now, on every forums, there is going to be a large amount of non-active members, it's just a matter of getting more members to increase the active population. So, I think we should be thinking of ways to increase the number of members, rather than deleting accounts and such.

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Too many members and not many posts? Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by FD_agentminky Wed 27 Apr 2011, 1:38 am

I agree with CapnSkye. Even if non-active members don't want o contribute by adding posts, they might still want to become a member to see more posts.
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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by le717 Wed 27 Apr 2011, 11:38 am

I see where you are coming from, CapnSkye. I was just thinking about all the older members that have not logged in in a couple of years. Kinda like when these forums were full, then everyone left. I have seen a concern watch your words to a member named susan, and it is dated Oct. 15, 2010. Maybe the accounts that fit the above could be deleted, but no more.
Forum Mythran
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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by CapnSkye Wed 27 Apr 2011, 12:02 pm

I still think it's unnecessary to delete someones account. What are the benefits? I belive if a person signed up for this forum it would be rude to delete their account, no matter how long they have been inactive. It is their account.

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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by PAH Wed 27 Apr 2011, 11:00 pm

FM_CapnSkye wrote:I disagree. I know alot of members are not active, but I think it is un-fair to delete their account. Also, If there is like 20 members who are active, would you rather join a forum that has 20 members or 120 members? I think for people who are looking to join, it makes the forums appear larger.

Now, on every forums, there is going to be a large amount of non-active members, it's just a matter of getting more members to increase the active population. So, I think we should be thinking of ways to increase the number of members, rather than deleting accounts and such.
I agree. If someone is inactive for a long time and can't post (e.g. me for the last 9 days) comes back and finds their account deleted for inactivity for the past XXXX days, won't that be frustrating? This is what happens in LU, your progress on EACH and EVERY Minifig is saved until the owner decides to delete, IF they decide. Implementing the system that was proposed to put in action will lose points in popularity for this forum. Period.
Sentinel Squire
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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 28 Apr 2011, 7:32 am

Inactive members are not candidates for deletion.

Not that the idea doesn't have merit - otherwise FM wouldn't have a feature for finding and removing inactive users - but I've always seen it as a highly rude gesture towards said member(s), even if they haven't visited in a while.

Unless a user has broken a rule, the staff reserves no right to alter - and especially delete - someone's account, unless the user's consent is given and permission is received. Wink
The Rhythmatist
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Too many members and not many posts? Empty Re: Too many members and not many posts?

Post by ZapDragonMeteor Tue 31 May 2011, 4:13 pm

i agree with bit of it, we need more active users isnt a good idea, its their account, their choice, maybe inactive users that have been inactive for say XXXX amount of days will have their profile locked? cant post or pm, can do nothing except log in and when they return from inactivity say, unlock their account by logging on. many site and forums have inactive non deleted users, i mean, look at, i have done nothing there since i got my beta key for LU, mainly due to be playing LU. maybe instead of deleting accounts, maybe we can just "lock" them? Question
Sentinel Squire
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