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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

Post by Hobino Fri 04 Mar 2011, 10:19 pm

Hey guys!

I have been working on something new, a newsletter where there will be plenty of stuff about LEGO Universe. It will be a pdf document (Not paper cause I don't feel like paying the shipping fee for everyone!) available for download online. Right now, I need some suggestions on what you guys think of this idea.

Please fill out the form! Link!

Or, you can as well give your suggestions in this topic!

Thank you!

Posts : 819
Join date : 2010-04-29
LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty Re: LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

Post by PAH Sat 05 Mar 2011, 3:19 am

FM_Hobino wrote:Hey guys!

I have been working on something new, a newsletter where there will be plenty of stuff about LEGO Universe. It will be a pdf document (Not paper cause I don't feel like paying the shipping fee for everyone!) available for download online. Right now, I need some suggestions on what you guys think of this idea.

Please fill out the form! Link!

Or, you can as well give your suggestions in this topic!

Thank you!
How 'bout email?
Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Join date : 2011-02-22
LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty Re: LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

Post by Hobino Sat 05 Mar 2011, 5:28 pm

PAH wrote:How 'bout email?
Yes, that would be good! Actually, I was thinking of making a email vesion as well. But with the pdf document I can do a better layout. I still have an idea how to make it. I will keep you updated if it works!


Posts : 819
Join date : 2010-04-29
LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty Re: LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

Post by PAH Sat 05 Mar 2011, 5:32 pm

FM_Hobino wrote:
PAH wrote:How 'bout email?
Yes, that would be good! Actually, I was thinking of making a email vesion as well. But with the pdf document I can do a better layout. I still have an idea how to make it. I will keep you updated if it works!

Sentinel Squire
Sentinel Squire

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Join date : 2011-02-22
LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty Re: LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

Post by CapnSkye Sat 05 Mar 2011, 6:31 pm

Wow! That sounds like a good idea! Wish you luck!

Posts : 860
Join date : 2010-11-14
LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon! Empty Re: LEGO Universe Fan-made Newsletter - Coming Soon!

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