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LEGO Hero Factory

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LEGO Hero Factory Empty LEGO Hero Factory

Post by Yuatato Sun 15 Aug 2010, 1:44 pm

Talk about LEGO Hero Factory here!

I really like the game at LEGO's website where you can make your own Hero Factory hero!

Posts : 99
Join date : 2010-08-15
LEGO Hero Factory Empty

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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by Hobino Sun 15 Aug 2010, 7:58 pm

In general, it's quite a nice theme, LEGO worked hard on it. The game is fun, the website is realy well done and the sets are ok.

But, I don't see why they they changed Bionicle for Hero Factory. I find Bionicle was so great, the story was awesome! There was so much to know about Bionicle and to learn!

Anyway, Hero Factory is still a good idea.

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Join date : 2010-04-29
LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by FD_agentminky Mon 16 Aug 2010, 2:37 am

Personally, I prefer Hero factory to bionicle. I think it captures the spirit of Lego more.

Generally, I think it's a good theme, but mainly, I'll just stick with normal Lego.
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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by Yuatato Mon 16 Aug 2010, 10:47 am

Hobino wrote:In general, it's quite a nice theme, LEGO worked hard on it. The game is fun, the website is realy well done and the sets are ok.

But, I don't see why they they changed Bionicle for Hero Factory. I find Bionicle was so great, the story was awesome! There was so much to know about Bionicle and to learn!

Anyway, Hero Factory is still a good idea.

FM_agentminky wrote:Personally, I prefer Hero factory to bionicle. I think it captures the spirit of Lego more.

Generally, I think it's a good theme, but mainly, I'll just stick with normal Lego.

Thanks for answering!

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Join date : 2010-08-15
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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by FD_agentminky Tue 17 Aug 2010, 2:31 am

I've just edited your two posts into one. It's by no means a major thing, but try not to double post: you can usually combine all the information into a single one.

Sorry to interrupt the conversation, and keep on having fun at the forums!
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Join date : 2010-04-11
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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by Yuatato Sat 28 Aug 2010, 4:24 am

Hero Facory just got episodes! I saw it at Cartoon Network today! LOL Hero Factory episodes LOL. Very Happy

FM_agentminky wrote:I've just edited your two posts into one. It's by no means a major thing, but try not to double post: you can usually combine all the information into a single one.

Sorry to interrupt the conversation, and keep on having fun at the forums!

It's all right. Very Happy

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Join date : 2010-08-15
LEGO Hero Factory Empty

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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by FD_agentminky Sat 28 Aug 2010, 11:09 am

I've edited your two posts into one again. Wink. Don't worry, it's nothing really important (we all know how easy it is to forget to not double post every now and then), but please try and remember in future. Smile
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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

Post by Yuatato Sat 28 Aug 2010, 11:10 am

FM_agentminky wrote:I've edited your two posts into one again. Wink. Don't worry, it's nothing really important (we all know how easy it is to forget to not double post every now and then), but please try and remember in future. Smile

LEGO_Fan already said that, I'll try the best I can!

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Join date : 2010-08-15
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LEGO Hero Factory Empty Re: LEGO Hero Factory

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