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Bionicle vs. Hero Factory

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Hero Factory or Bionicle?

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Total Votes : 6

Bionicle vs. Hero Factory Empty Bionicle vs. Hero Factory

Post by unitx10 Tue 12 Nov 2013, 9:39 pm

Ok, so I was looking through some storage cubes in my room a few days ago and low and behold, I found my stash of Bionicle figures. The best part, they were still fun to play with! So that was fun so I thought I would show my little bro. I walk into his room and see he has been playing with Hero Factory at the same time. Imagine that! Well, to make a long story short that got me thinking about what theme I liked best. To be honest, I have both, and I like playing with both, but I have to say, I like Bionicle just a tad bit better. So what do you think? Are a Bionicle kinda person or a Hero Factory person? Why?

Don't forget to use the poll!

Last edited by rioforce on Wed 13 Nov 2013, 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ADMIN: Moved topic to LEGO Discussion>LEGO Themes)
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Bionicle vs. Hero Factory Empty Re: Bionicle vs. Hero Factory

Post by rioforce Wed 13 Nov 2013, 2:18 pm

Bionicle all the way! For one thing, Bionicle lasted 10 years, so it had a better storyline. I have never actually bought any Hero Factory, but they probably have made new pieces that could enhance the Bionicle experience. Although, Bionicle got a little dark (well, sort of, it seemed a lot darker when I was younger) in their story with the super bad guys, but I wasn't really into Bionicle anyway, I just got the comic every once in a while. My favorite Bionicle is the Rahkshi. I had the white and black ones, and my brother had the white and green Toa. After that, we didn't buy much more Bionicle until we were given a shoe box of random Bionicle pieces one day. They are still in the box. Razz

I'm not rejecting Hero Factory, though. I like how LEGO has continued the theme, but it's sort of a re-run for us older Bionicle fans (I mean, brain bugs? That was done before). I like how Bionicle came in Plastic tubes, because they are great for storing the Bionicle in (more so than Plastic Bags, I think).

But who am I to say what is better, because I have never bought Hero Factory. Razz

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Bionicle vs. Hero Factory Empty Re: Bionicle vs. Hero Factory

Post by unitx10 Wed 13 Nov 2013, 2:49 pm

your right, hero factory does add a ton of new pieces. I always liked the the Toa Ignika even though I only have Toa Matoro in that series. The Ignika had by far the best powers!
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