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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

Post by Nealybealy Wed 06 Nov 2013, 4:35 pm

Well, after requesting it, they've added in some Chima Online items into the Chima Vault Point Store. Take a look!
Check it out here:

Thoughts? Personally, if I were more interested in the game, I'd love that I can buy EXP/Stud boosters. Not a bad deal either.
Forum Mythran
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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Re: Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

Post by Nenen Thu 07 Nov 2013, 6:31 pm

personally, i wish there was something more permanent..
But since you can still get CHI, it seems worth it. even with these items
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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Re: Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

Post by Nealybealy Thu 07 Nov 2013, 8:43 pm

Nenen wrote:Me?
personally, i wish there was something more permanent..
But since you can still get CHI, it seems worth it. even with these items
Anyone. Razz

I was hoping they'd have like some cosmetic armor, maybe a helmet or something. But alas no, just this stuff. It is worth it for fans of the game, of course.
Forum Mythran
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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Re: Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

Post by Sim533 Mon 11 Nov 2013, 12:48 pm

Rip off! Buying six times the 1000 points item is cheaper than buying one time the 7000 points item. Sad

Elixir of Studs
Gain 15% more Studs from defeating enemies for 1 day.
1,000 POINTS

Gigalixir of Experience
Gain 15% more XP from defeating enemies for 6 day.

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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Re: Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

Post by Nealybealy Mon 11 Nov 2013, 5:20 pm

Sim533 wrote:Rip off! Buying six times the 1000 points item is cheaper than buying one time the 7000 points item. Sad

Elixir of Studs
Gain 15% more Studs from defeating enemies for 1 day.
1,000 POINTS

Gigalixir of Experience
Gain 15% more XP from defeating enemies for 6 day.

I know, I pointed this out elsewhere too. Razz Guess someone on the Chima Online team doesn't know how to do math..
Forum Mythran
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Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store! Empty Re: Chima Online items - Now in the Point Store!

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