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LEGO Minifigure Discussion

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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by shafirsabbag Sun 15 Sep 2013, 3:51 am

On this topic can you discuss all about upcoming or already released minifigure and give your thoughts about them. LEGO released a BR minifigure. BR is a toy shop company in Scandinavia who sells toys, for example LEGO products. It is just like US Toy s Rus. LEGO released a minifigure form of their mascot. It cost 25SEK (about 2.5 dollars). I got mine when i bought two minifigures from the series 10, and i got the BR minifigure at no extra cost. I have no idea if this minifigure is released outside Scandinavia. So far has i only seen the minifigure sold on the BR shops.

I think it is intersting that LEGO released a minifigure based on a company, and especially in Scandinavia. It is very honourable to do that, even thought LEGO do not have to. Since LEGO is first invented in Denmark, and that BR has a big community in Scandinavia do i think it were a good decision for LEGO releasing an exclusive minifigure directly based on a company´s macot. I do not the remember last time LEGO did something this exclusive to a country before.
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty

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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by unitx10 Tue 01 Oct 2013, 9:04 am

I have a lot of minifigs, but I really like my snowboarder from season five. Kinda hard to beat that epic design on the board, and the whole guy is just my color style!
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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by rioforce Tue 01 Oct 2013, 9:06 am

I wish stores near me carried LEGO Minifigures... I want the Grandma and the Yeti from this series! Very Happy

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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta LEGO Minifigures Online Closed Beta

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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by unitx10 Tue 01 Oct 2013, 9:08 am

I have the grandma, but I'm kinda worried. My room is a land of epic quests and wars against evil, I afraid my granny will get hurt!
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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by jedi299 Wed 09 Oct 2013, 11:42 am

The one series 11 that i REALLY want is the Evil Mech. He adds to my growing classic space-ish collection. Razz
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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by unitx10 Wed 09 Oct 2013, 11:56 am

I'm more of a fantasy type guy myself, so I like the barbarian!
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LEGO Minifigure Discussion Empty Re: LEGO Minifigure Discussion

Post by rioforce Wed 09 Oct 2013, 2:47 pm

I like things out of the ordinary. For example, the yeti is new, and would go great as an innocent stop-motion character getting himself into trouble somehow. And the Grandma is cool because LEGO has never done that before! I may just need to buy them from Bricklink, they are somewhat cheaper there, unless shipping is high.

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