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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by shafirsabbag Fri 09 Aug 2013, 1:23 pm

Here is my playthrough/walkthrough of my gameplay during the Closed beta. of Chima Online. I hope you will like it. Here is the playlist:
I will most likely make a video serie of the Open Beta if i get access to it, and any of you who wants to add me can do it. If you need any help contact me or watch the video serie, i will gladly help you.

Here are the screenshots i took during the Closed Beta, there are the details that i liked and took a picture of it.

My Open Beta in-game name is: Bionic SouthernBearclaw. Feel free to add me.

Last edited by shafirsabbag on Mon 12 Aug 2013, 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
Sentinel Graduate
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by Sim533 Fri 09 Aug 2013, 2:06 pm

Wow, that's a lot of videos... Good work!!!

Check out part 11,16, and 37. These are set private for some reason.
Sentinel Squire
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by shafirsabbag Fri 09 Aug 2013, 2:21 pm

Sim533 wrote:Wow, that's a lot of videos... Good work!!!

Check out part 11,16, and 37. These are set private for some reason.
Thanks. I know i have to reupload them, one of them were copyrighted with the sound effects, and the two others do i has to edit, i did some mistakes when i edited it the last time.
Sentinel Graduate
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by jamesster Fri 09 Aug 2013, 10:04 pm

Very nice! I got some videos of my own, but for the most part they're not a playthrough type thing like this, just clips of various glitches and things. Glad to see somebody played through so much of the closed beta and got it recorded.
Venture Scout
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by shafirsabbag Sat 10 Aug 2013, 3:01 am

jamesster wrote:Very nice! I got some videos of my own, but for the most part they're not a playthrough type thing like this, just clips of various glitches and things. Glad to see somebody played through so much of the closed beta and got it recorded.
Thanks, but i am sure that someone else made a video serie of the Closed Beta.
Sentinel Graduate
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by unitx10 Mon 12 Aug 2013, 11:27 am

Wow! How did you get all that armor?
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by shafirsabbag Mon 12 Aug 2013, 11:37 am

unitx10 wrote:Wow! How did you get all that armor?
If i remember it correctly did i get the legs in the part "the second tear of cavora" and the suit did i get in "the first tear of cavora" and the eagle mask do i think i got it in "wolf cave".
Sentinel Graduate
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by unitx10 Mon 12 Aug 2013, 11:47 am

I have no idea where any of those are!
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My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos Empty Re: My Closed Beta Chima online screenshots & videos

Post by shafirsabbag Mon 12 Aug 2013, 11:50 am

unitx10 wrote:I have no idea where any of those are!
There are in the playlist. It is part 25, 33 and part 34.
Sentinel Graduate
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