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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Fri 02 Jul 2010, 5:34 pm

Check dis out:

Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D 10
Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D More10

What you are looking at are two references to Mac-compatible LEGO Universe components - a type of patcher update, and some coding referring to a Mac version. (Mysteriously under the ".exe" format, although the patcher calls for the ".app" format...)

Here is a folder with the files I've found quite interesting. If you have a Mac, you're welcome to check them out.



New files will be added as they are found.

And yes, I am allowed to do this so long as only trusted beta testers that I have met in game are the only ones who see it. Razz


Last edited by FD_LegoFan101 on Fri 22 Oct 2010, 8:41 am; edited 1 time in total
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Re: Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by Hobino Fri 02 Jul 2010, 7:31 pm

Interesting, it's quite possible because there polishing the game too. Even if I don't have any Mac, it's a big update for beta testers that use Mac.

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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Re: Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by FD_agentminky Sat 03 Jul 2010, 3:06 am

That's really good! I use a mac, so I have to use parallels (virtual machine) to play.

However, in the link you provided on your blog I think it said something about the mac version being powered by cider. I think Cider is a "on the cloud" service (it's all hosted on the internet), and I'm a bit reticent about using these services.
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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Re: Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Sat 03 Jul 2010, 7:14 am

I wouldn't worry about it.

Trust me, if LEGO uses it (not to mention other games like Spore - we would have heard if there was anything wrong with it by now) I'm pretty sure it's trustworthy. Wink

I just contacted LEGO about it. They're still being vague about it.

I just find it odd that they have the components to update the Mac program ready - and running. Razz

BTW, does Parallels make weird popping sounds with the incoming audio for you? I tried out the new intro (offline portion) yesterday, and it sounded like popcorn in a popcorn maker. 0.o
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Re: Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by FD_agentminky Sat 03 Jul 2010, 9:45 am

FD_LegoFan101 wrote:I wouldn't worry about it.

Trust me, if LEGO uses it (not to mention other games like Spore - we would have heard if there was anything wrong with it by now) I'm pretty sure it's trustworthy. Wink

I just contacted LEGO about it. They're still being vague about it.

I just find it odd that they have the components to update the Mac program ready - and running. Razz

BTW, does Parallels make weird popping sounds with the incoming audio for you? I tried out the new intro (offline portion) yesterday, and it sounded like popcorn in a popcorn maker. 0.o

Still, I'm still a bit concerned about a few security and practical issues, but I guess I'll have to do a bit more research. Smile.

In response to your other question, I have't played LU for a short while now, and I'm just off to do so. I'll edit the post when I'm finished. Smile

EDIT: Just remembered, no test session this weekend. However, I did see the intro, and encountered no popping. What I did see, though, was the menu strangely flickering on and off.
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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty Re: Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Sun 04 Jul 2010, 4:26 pm

I've been fooling around with figuring out how to get it to work...

But so far, I've not come across anything useful.

I don't think we'll be able to get early access to a Mac version, but I'll keep trying. Smile
PS. The version I might get to work will PROBABLY require you to have the LEGO Universe files - which I can't share, since they're over 6 GB in size. 0.o
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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Closed-Beta for Macs - Coming as Soon as NEXT WEEK! :D Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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