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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by Nenen Thu 21 Mar 2013, 12:58 pm
This is an Idea me and my Siblings (LegoChewen and LegoPapa22) have been kicking around for a while.

I think that they should have a Special LU Limited Edition minifigure series. Which would Feature LEGO Universe Minifigs, (Duke Exeter, Stromlings, Vanda Darkflame, Bob, etc) and they could be more expensive, and etc..

I would DEFINITELY buy all the LU Minfigs I could find! If I had the money of coarse. Same for my siblings.

What do you guys think?

They should have:
Duke Exeter
Hael Storm
Vanda Darkflame
Dr. overbuild
A minifigure (Bob?) with a Imagination Helment on
Baron Typhonous

Discuss this idea!
And please Post in the MBs if you like it!
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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by shafirsabbag Thu 21 Mar 2013, 1:07 pm

I am pretty sure we got the parts of the faction clothes in a giveaway at the same month LEGO universe would Close, but we only got a certain part of the faction leader clothe to all of it, which is pretty sad and it did not have any effect on the game.
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty

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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by unitx10 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 1:15 pm

I think that would be a great idea Nenen, my little bro and I were thinking the same thing! One thing though, would LEGO make enough money on the project?
Assembly Graduate
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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by rioforce Thu 21 Mar 2013, 1:48 pm

LEGO doesn't like to admit that they failed LU. It's been a year since LU closed, and i doubt that they would do anything LU related. I like the idea too, but LEGO just won't do it... Sad

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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by shafirsabbag Thu 21 Mar 2013, 2:03 pm

rioforce wrote:LEGO doesn't like to admit that they failed LU. It's been a year since LU closed, and i doubt that they would do anything LU related. I like the idea too, but LEGO just won't do it... Sad
The new chima game on PC is kinda LU related, becuase they are using the same game Engine, but LEGO do not spiicify as saying "hey, this is a lu remake", noone would do that if something did not work out well i Think, but i has no knowledge of games that do NOT work out well. Instead of encourage the returning of LEGO universe, or familiar events, do they want to make the rumourse pretty hush-hush, that they want to forget about it. It is pretty familiar do the pokémon TV show, there is one pokéball called the GS ball, but it did not get noticed after the second season´, the orange islands, since it were originally planned to have Celebi in it, but got scratched since Celeibi is the star pokémon is fourth pokémon Movie. Which is pretty familiar to the LU event, becuase they want to quit the information from there site.
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty

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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

Post by unitx10 Thu 21 Mar 2013, 2:11 pm

In english please! Why don't we give the idea to one of those companies that make their own Legos? They might do it.
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Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO) Empty Re: Limited Edition LU minfigs. (an Idea for LEGO)

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