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Ninjago returning 2014

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Ninjago returning 2014 Empty Ninjago returning 2014

Post by shafirsabbag Sun 03 Mar 2013, 3:19 am

Many people thought before the LEGO official announcement that Ninjago will return once more, and that LEGO Chima NOT will replace Ninjago. You also got a screenshot were it is showing Zane´s two parts, the robot and human part. You might wonder how this can be related. The first season were about Kai getting introduced to all the Ninja groups- The second season on the other hand gave a little more back story about each one of the other three ninjas. In this season can it be about Zane get´s overcontroled by his machine part of himself, or he lost his spinjtzu abilties when he has got injured in a battle. It also been some questions what will happen to Garmadon now when he has turned good in this season. To only make him evil again would be pretty repeating, and i am not sure that it would be good for the story to only have same enemy over and over again, so my suggestion is that Garmadon and the other ninjas will either meet up somekind of team to fight against, but in a way as that already been done by the snakes and the samurai. Scratch that. For a change would it be good if one character of the other LEGO themes could meet up, like in Pokémon girls meets up. For instance Dawn meet May in the Diamond and Pearl generation of Pokémon. Something similiar might happen like the ninjas meet Laval from Chima, thanks to an ancient prohecy. May be some pictures will be leaked at late 2013, but for now can we only imagine us the great battles we will relize.

The announcement can you look at here:

The screenshot can you get here:

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Ninjago returning 2014 Empty Re: Ninjago returning 2014

Post by Nenen Sun 03 Mar 2013, 1:28 pm

It is actually returning this year. and CONTINUING into 2014 Smile
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Ninjago returning 2014 Empty Re: Ninjago returning 2014

Post by rioforce Mon 04 Mar 2013, 10:48 am


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