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LEGO Clutch Powers 2

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by shafirsabbag Sun 03 Mar 2013, 3:07 am

LEGO clutch powers is about 4 famous explorers that team up together to rescue the world. As you see through the first movie do you soon release at the end that there is three more enemies to fight. I only wonder if LEGO ever will contiue on telling the story about Clutch Powers? It should be a serie about finding a lost treasure, in this case Clutch´s long lost father. It will not surpise me if LEGO will only leave it like that, as they did with fourth bionicle movie, about Mata Nui on Bara Magna. I hope we will see a announcement after the LEGO heroes movie about Batman, Superman and the other heroes craeted by Marvel.
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by rioforce Mon 04 Mar 2013, 10:29 am

They already made Clutch Powers 2. It is a 4D movie at LEGOLAND California, (And probably Billund and Florida).

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by Nenen Mon 04 Mar 2013, 10:42 am

They did? i want to watch >:/

Is it cool?
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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by rioforce Mon 04 Mar 2013, 10:46 am

IDK. Never been to LEGOLAND. Razz (Or a LEGO Store. D: )

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by Nenen Mon 04 Mar 2013, 10:47 am

Great... maybe youtube has it.

How did you find out about it?
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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by unitx10 Mon 04 Mar 2013, 11:42 am

I was at LEGO Land over Christmas break last year and saw it. It's only 10 minutes long. I wouldn't even call it a sequel. A new movie would be cool though.
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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by Hobino Mon 04 Mar 2013, 2:00 pm

I have no idea if they are going to make a new Clutch Powers adventure.

They are already making a new LEGO movie, which should be released in 2014:

(I know the names are different, but it's the same movie.)

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by shafirsabbag Tue 05 Mar 2013, 12:13 pm

unitx10 wrote:I was at LEGO Land over Christmas break last year and saw it. It's only 10 minutes long. I wouldn't even call it a sequel. A new movie would be cool though.
Can you watch the minivideo on the web, such as Dailymotion or Youtube for example?
Sentinel Graduate
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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play and Members LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty

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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

Post by Nenen Tue 05 Mar 2013, 12:24 pm

Hobino wrote:I have no idea if they are going to make a new Clutch Powers adventure.

They are already making a new LEGO movie, which should be released in 2014:

(I know the names are different, but it's the same movie.)
I also made a post
made the original one
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LEGO Clutch Powers 2 Empty Re: LEGO Clutch Powers 2

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