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Pick a Brick Stuff

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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Nealybealy Sun 03 Feb 2013, 1:32 am

LEGO has really done a great job on Pick a Brick, 'cause I've found at least three parts that shouldn't be for sale, actually on there for sale. Razz
The first, being "Visor 3X3x5 W/Ø3.2 Connector" in just plain transparent. It does not come this way in any set. The sets only feature it in other trans-colors, such as;
The part you should be looking at is the visors over their masks. That's the part I've been referring to. Razz
The last two are one piece, but in two colors, known as "Chest No.2, 2012" in trans-blue and white. These two were seen in sets, but with patterns printed on them. They are being sold WITHOUT the patterns on Pick a Brick.
If you're interested in looking them up on the Pick a Brick website, here are their Design ID's:
Visor: 11269
Chest: 98569
I plan to buy 5 of both chests and 12 of the visors. Smile
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Nenen Mon 04 Feb 2013, 9:12 am

Do you guys think Pick a brick is worth it?
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by unitx10 Mon 04 Feb 2013, 9:13 am

I've never bought anything on pick a brick, probably because they update it to much. (I'm usaly looking for parts to complete my older sets. Razz )
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Chewen Mon 04 Feb 2013, 1:53 pm

i never bought pick a brick stuff
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Nealybealy Mon 04 Feb 2013, 2:53 pm

Nenen wrote:Do you guys think Pick a brick is worth it?
Depends on what you're looking for. Bricklink is usually a better idea.
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Cabey9 Tue 05 Feb 2013, 7:06 am

I use Pick-A-Brick a lot, actually. I think it's a fantastic tool. The best deal is the LEGO Store Pick-A-Brick. I got 600 pieces for $8.00. Razz

I use the Pick-A-Brick for fun parts, mostly, that I don't have a lot of.

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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by Chewen Tue 05 Feb 2013, 9:49 am

cool! so from the sounds of it pick-a-brick is a good deal!
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by unitx10 Tue 05 Feb 2013, 11:20 am

I only like the LEGO land deal. The one on is just too pricey!
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Pick a Brick Stuff Empty Re: Pick a Brick Stuff

Post by rioforce Tue 05 Feb 2013, 4:27 pm

Bricklink is OK, that is, as long as the quality of the bricks are good. If they have been played with (especially with older bricks), they might break easily or have cracks in them.

le717 needs to finish an old set he has. He ought to compare prices with Bricklink and Pick-a-brick. If a LEGO store was near, I would definitely be buying bricks from there!

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