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LU "Download Error"

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LU "Download Error" Empty LU "Download Error"

Post by Hobino Thu 19 Aug 2010, 10:37 pm

It's may have happen to you that you game didn't want to patch and that a message appear saying "Download error bla bla".
That bug was suppose to be fixed.

Well, just a few minutes before now, I'm trying to go on LU, and I get that error! It never happen to me before and I thought it's was fixed.

Did it happen to anybody else?

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Join date : 2010-04-29
LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 10:56 pm

Yeah, my sister gets it. Im just wondering, did you reinstall LU? Because I did for her, and well you know, the "that bug" appears!

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Join date : 2010-04-28
LU "Download Error" Empty

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by FD_LegoFan101 Thu 19 Aug 2010, 11:06 pm

Hasn't happened since... last session week, for me. Smile
I hear a workaround is to switch to the opposite "Universe". (EU or USA, whichever you aren't on now.)
Only problem is that it has to redownload the localized stuff. Sad
The Rhythmatist
The Rhythmatist

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LU "Download Error" Empty LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by Hobino Fri 20 Aug 2010, 8:55 am

@Grizzly: I got that bug and then I try reinstalling, but it change nothing.

@LegoFan: Yeah, I tried that, but I was still unable to play.

Right now, my game is updating... I suppose that mean it good.
I'll tell you later if it's working!

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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Fri 20 Aug 2010, 9:01 am

Its working, and you reinstalled?!? (btw, I reinstalled it on my sisters laptop because the patcher crashed within 2 seconds, literally, after opening it. It would only flash...)

Posts : 122
Join date : 2010-04-28
LU "Download Error" Empty

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by Hobino Fri 20 Aug 2010, 9:27 am

Ok, my game is working perfectly right now. No more "Download Error". IDK why, but it did a litttle update this morning and everything is working great.

I reinstall it yesterday, right after the bug appear, and it did not help. (Reinstalling I mean just click the installer and not re-downloading the entire game.) The thing about the patcher staying on ly 2 seconds, isn't that the "Full Download" bug?

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LEGO Universe Free-to-Play LEGO Universe Closed Beta

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LU "Download Error" Empty Re: LU "Download Error"

Post by FD_Grizzly10513 Fri 20 Aug 2010, 10:11 pm

Ok, you HAVE to reinstall it from there site, donwload from the EU server the VERY FIRST TIME you rune the patcher, or else youll have to start ALL over agina. After that donwload is done, switch to the "LEGO Universe Beta" server. it has a picture of the US flag next to it... Then run LU, and your good to go!

Posts : 122
Join date : 2010-04-28
LU "Download Error" Empty

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